Pot-Stuck Brussels Sprouts
It's Leftover Week and we're all a lit-tle tired of turkey after 5 days. Leftovers rarely get a fare shake in my house, ever, and we are exceedingly challenged when it comes to the bonanza that remains after hosting Thanksgiving. Clearly we should have doubled everyone's leftover packets. The fridge continues to be stuffed to the brim. Lesson learned. But I do find, that we are all more willing, dare I say eager, to eat a big plate of leftovers if there's one new thing on the plate. Or at least something fresh. In this case, the brussels sprouts are a repeat, from Thanksgiving, but honestly, what is better with turkey and stuffing than a lemony bright brussels sprout?
This is my go to brussels sprout recipe. I've been down this road for Thanksgiving, Hannukah, Christmas, it is wonderful dipped in fondue, or just next to a grilled cheese sandwich.
Pot Stuck Brussels Sprouts
Marian Bull Food52 adapted from Mollie Katzen's "The Heart of the Plate"
Serves 4
1 pound medium-sized brussels sprouts, halved
3-4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1/4 cup finely diced onion or shallot
1/2 lemon
Bring a pot of heavily salted water to a boil. Blanch your brussels sprouts for 2 minutes seconds, drain, and dry thoroughly.
The key to getting a good char on your brussels sprouts is making sure they're not crowded. If you're working with a large pan (e.g. a 10-inch cast iron skillet), cook them all at once. If your pan is smaller, fry in two batches. Heat oil over medium to medium-high heat. Add one sprout, cut-side down; if it begins to sizzle immediately, add the rest. You want most of them to land cut-side down, but don't drive yourself crazy.
Let your sprouts cook, untouched, for a minute or so, and then check them. If they're white or light brown on the bottom, let them cook a bit more. You want to wait to flip them until they are nicely browned/charred. Once they are, flip to the other side, and wait for side two to cook until crispy. Add salt, toss a few times, then move them all to the edge of the pan.
Add your onion (or half of the onion, if you're working in batches) to the pan. If it looks very dry, add a touch more oil. If you're worried about them burning, turn the heat down a bit. Let them cook for a minute or two, stirring lightly, until they soften slightly.
Toss onions and sprouts together; let them cook for 30 more seconds. Add a squeeze of lemon juice, allow everything to steam for a moment, and then you're done! Taste for salt. Fry your second batch now, if it's still waiting for you.
Note: These taste great at any temperature, so don't stress about timing.